Tuesday, August 11, 2020

R.I.P. Bob Morrison

My wife’s stepdad took his own life last week. I’ve been silent about it publicly because it’s a huge and terrible thing that I’ve only just begun to process, and I’m not all that comfortable with sharing personal tragedies online. 

Bob Morrison was a troubled person for all the years I knew him, but that’s not what defined him - he was funny and smart and one of a kind, and rebellious to the end. He also had a long history of helping other people and making their lives better. He was always generous and kind to me. He will truly be missed. 💔

Monday, January 6, 2020

New Year...Not So New Me

The Holidays were a whirlwind of cooking, entertaining, gift procurement, decorating, music making, and catching up with family and friends - all while being in the studio and on and off the road. While all of this was going on, I was slowly making an increasingly daunting list of things I would get around to when normal life resumed. Tomorrow is that day and I’m out of excuses. There are old debts to pay, old habits to break, and new obstacles to overcome, and I’m not quite ready to face it. Scrolling through yards of new-year-new-me positive aspirations on social media have not inspired me so much as they have filled me with the usual existential dread. But I’m game. Despite a healthy dose of late-middle-age exhaustion, I am still eager to learn and love and make music. And however it goes for me, I wish you all the best year, and the best you. 🖤

The After Christmas Blog

Christmas is over...but merry Christmas to you. And Happy Hanukkah! I hope your holidays were wonderful, and that your heart grew three sizes, and that you carved the roast beast.
You are the people who keep me going when I want to give up. When you tell me my songs got you through a hard part of your life, or made you happy when you were sad, or made you sad, but in a good way. When you show up to hear me play when I leave my cozy home and my wife and my cats to go on the road and live in hotel rooms and airports for half the year. Yes, I also have a nice gig playing big stages with a rock legend, and I am lucky to be there, but that is only part of my musical story. The other half is the part that you make possible. Have a safe and happy new year, and enjoy the song below - technically it's a tune about Boxing Day, but really it's about love, and how amazing it is when everyone is compelled, if even just for a minute, to be a little more kind to each other.♥️